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1) SANSKRITI MELA (The Cultural Fair) . is orgsnised every year at Krishnagar Public Library ground.

2) In 2010,a week long FILM FESTIVAL of movies based on the works of RABINDRANATH TAGORE was organised at Krishnagar Rabindra Bhavan.

3) In 2010 , a week long Festival of Tagore's dramas and dance dramas named RABINDRA NATAK-O-NRITYANATYA UTSAV was organised.

4) In 2010 a bust statue of Rabindranath Tagore was unveiled at the R.N.TAGORE ROAD (Post office more) on the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Tagore,in collaboration with Krishnagar Municipality.

5) In 2010 a magazine named, "AGNIHOTRI BISMOY" based on Tagore's life and creation ,was published (Ed.Rabi Biswas).

6) In 2012, DHANADHANYA PUSPO BHARA wad published in fond memory of Dwijendra Lal Roy (Ed.Rabi Biswas)

7) In 2015 , NADIAR SANSKRITI (The culture of Nadia) Ed. Sunirmal Kundu

8) KRISHNAGAR NATYOTSAVA, 2018,another week-Long festival of Dramas was organised in which the local drama groups participated with there new full length dramas at Krishnagar Rabindravan.

9) Cultural programmes in fond memory of Rabindra -Najrul and D.L.Roy snd Classicsl Music conferences are organised every year.

10) Felicitations were given at the cultural fair every year for showing excellence in various fields like music,literature,dance,drama,social work,research etc.

The principal work of Krishnanagar Sanskritik Manch is to organize the "SANSKRITI MELA" (Culture Fair). This fair is held in the playground in front of the Krishnagar Public Library usually for the time-span of 10 to 15 days. Krishnagat Municipality works as the joint organizer of the fair. The chief attraction of this fair is cultural performances everybevening. Beside the members of the society and the learners of their institutes, renowned artists of dance and music are invited to present their performances. Many well-known artists have presented their august performances in this fair. The performances of various folk art, such as Baul, folk dance and puppetry, are held with especial importance. Yoga and display of body-building are also included among the performances. Another attractive feature of the "SANSKRITI MELA" (Culture Fair) is the sale of various handicrafts of our state as well as of other states. Furniture and woven work of global standard, Assamese bamboo art, metal work of Moradabad and weavers' works of Bangladesh decorate the fair premises. In the fair there are galleries for exhibition of paintings and photography. The entire affair is monitored by the members of the Krishnagar Sanskritik Manch.

In 2016- (krishnanagar Municipality Tourist Lodge), a workshop on the Songs of Rajanikanta Sen and Atul Prasad was organised by Krishnagar Sanskritik Mancha under supervision of the prominent music teacher and artist Smt. Archana Bhaumik. More than hundred music artistes and students of the district participated in that project

In 2017- (krishnanagar Municipality Tourist Lodge), a workshop for recitation on creative dance was organized by Krishnagar Sanskritik Mancha. The trainer was Sri Kohinoor Sen Baraat. About 200 students from all over the district took part there

In 2017- (krishnanagar Municipality Tourist Lodge), a Recitation - workshop for children and teens was organized. The trainer was Sri Soumitra Bandyopadhyay. Sixty children and teenagers participated there.

@ In 2017- (krishnanagar Municipality Tourist Lodge), a Music workshop on the songs of Tagore (Rabindrasangeet) was organized. The trainer was the noted music artiste and trainer Sri Manoj Murli Nayyar. 150 students participated in the workshop.


Vocal Music: Most of the members of Krishnanagar Sangskritik Mancha belong to the wing of vocal music. Almost all are trained at their respective music schools. Performing artists of different kinds of vocal music, such as classical music, Tagore songs, songs of Nazrul, songs of Dwijendralal-Rajanikanta-Atulprasad, and modern songs, are members of the Krishnanagar Sangskritik Mancha, and in various programmes of the organization they present theirperformances sometimes as solo artists and sometimes along with their troupes. The members of the vocal music section have already held two musical workshops.

Dance: One of the significant wings of the Krishnanagar Sangskritik Mancha is its dance section. The number of the members of this wing comes second to that of the vocal music section. Almost all members have their individual institutes. Since the members are associated with the different forms of dance, such as Katthak, Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Kuchipuri, Tagore school of dance, folk dance and creative dance, a wide variety of dance performances can be found in the programmes of the Krishnanagar Sangskritik Mancha. The members present dances as both individual and group performances in different cultural programmes of the organization. A workshop has been organized by this section.

Recitation: The recitation section has a significant role despite the relatively lesser number of members. Every member has his/her own institute. In the programmes of Krishnanagar Sangskritik Mancha the members present recitations both as solo performances and as group performances with their students. Already a recitation workshop has been organized by this section.

Accompanists : although members of this group are less in number but it involves a lot of importance. It includes keyboard, tabla, guitar and octopad players. though they take part in various programmes of ksm, they have their individual training centers. In future they will hold workshops in our town. Apart from that we have our painting, yoga, body building wings as well.

Drama : 'Drama' is one of the main cultural activities of our KRISHNAGAR SANSKRITIK MANCHA. The Actor Members of our association, although, are engaged in theatrical performances with their individual theatre parties, they whole-heartedly come forward to take part in dramatic activities in the Drama Festivals organised by us. In Rabindranath's 150th Birthday Anniversary, a festival of Tagore's Dramas as well as Dancedramas organised by our association was fully and actively supported by them.

The success of 'Krishnagar Drama Festival', 2018, is one of their mentionable achievements.

We are thinking of staging dramas in continuous process in future.